
Geometric Planters That Will Catch Your Attention

Geometric Planters That Will Catch Your Attention

Geometric designs are very popular nowadays, and a few geometric furniture peaces, decorations and other tiny details will make your interior trendy and chic. For today, I rounded up some amazing geometric planters that will catch your attention and make your entire home more airier, fresh and vivid. SEE ALSO: MINI WALL PLANTERS THAT WILL MAKE YOU SAY Continue reading Geometric Planters That Will Catch Your Attention

Glass Mulch Landscaping Ideas That Will Impress You

Glass Mulch Landscaping Ideas That Will Impress You

Homeowners often use glass mulch as a decorative finish to garden borders, path edges, water features, containers, etc. But did you know that it is also used to cover ground to improve soil conditions? Yes, mulch can reduce moisture loss by impeding the water evaporation process. SEE ALSO: GARDEN BALLS THAT WILL INSPIRE YOU TO DECORATE Continue reading Glass Mulch Landscaping Ideas That Will Impress You