How To Design a Reading Room in Your House

Coming home from work and curling up with a good book is a perfect way to absolve yourself of the stresses of the day. However, you may find yourself coming up with plenty of excuses to not enjoy all the benefits that reading has to offer.To be able to get truly lost in the literary world, you need a reading room in your house. Keep reading to learn tips about how to design that room.

Get Proper Lighting

Reading without proper lighting can strain your eyes, and eventually lead to eyesight issues later in your life. Making sure you have proper lighting in your reading room should be a priority during your design phase. Some ambient lighting should be a good base to start with. You should have a lamp directly near where you plan on doing most of your reading too, having it directly face the pages of your book. With the proper lighting, you can get your reading done at a more comfortable pace.

Get Comfortable Seating

Your choice in seating for your reading room should reflect the type of reading you intend on doing. If you are reading casually, a comfy armchair or recliner might do the trick. These chairs are perfect for cozy reading (and you can even take a nice nap on them!). If you are designing a reading room for work, a comfy desk chair should suit you. If you are sitting down for a long time, you want what you are sitting on to be comfortable, especially if you need to focus on your work. 

Place Your Chair Away From Distractions

Reading can sometimes require a lot of focus. You want your reading room to be away from distractions, creating a proper headspace to concentrate on your reading. You can accomplish this by either placing your reading room away from high-traffic areas in your home, or by placing your reading chair pointing opposite to any areas of your home that can cause distractions. Making your reading room devoid of technology is also an effective way to minimize distractions from your reading. Don’t leave any phone chargers in your reading room, and attempt to relieve yourself of the burden that can be your cell phone.

Make Sure the Room Is Warm

Reading in a cold room is not exactly conducive to effective reading. If you live in an area of the world which experiences cold weather–if you’ve recently acquired one of the Banff homes for sale, for example–you know how distracting cold weather can be. You want your reading room to have easy access to heating vents in your house. This ensures that you stay nice and cozy during your reading process, and prevents the cold from being a deterrent to your reading. The central heating should be at a slightly higher temperature in your reading room. You should also have plenty of blankets too. If there is a room in your house with a fireplace, that would be the perfect room to place your reading room.