Whether you’ve got a great green garden or a humble patio, there are lots of little things you can do that will make a big difference to the environment around you. Keep reading for our best sustainable gardening tips!
- Support Local Wildlife
Providing food, water and shelter for wildlife is one of the best ways to support your local eco-system. Wild animals like badgers, hedgehogs and birds often rely on supplementary feeding to survive (particularly in the winter when natural food sources are scarce).
Filling your bird feeders with high-energy bird foods like suet pellets, peanuts and sunflower seeds can make all the difference for your local birds, giving them the vital nutrients they need to cope with harsh weather. You can also provide tasty treats for other animals in your area – like mealworms for badgers, cat food for hedgehogs and fruit for foxes.
- Mow Less
Not only will mowing your lawn less frequently help to reduce your electricity bills, but it will also help to boost your area’s biodiversity. Leaving even a small section of your garden to grow wild will allow wildflowers and grasses to grow, providing crucial food sources and habitats for pollinators, insects and other small creatures like frogs and hedgehogs.
- Plant Native Plants
Another great way to boost your local ecosystem is to plant plants that are already accustomed to your local climate and soil conditions. Native plants will be easier to care for and require less water, fertiliser and pest control than non-native plants, plus they will attract beneficial pollinators and wildlife to your local area!
- Conserve Water
Water is a finite and essential resource, and overuse can lead to severe environmental damage. If you have a large garden with a lot of plants that need watering, it can be difficult to cut down your consumption – consider investing in a water butt or other large container that will catch rainwater so it can be reused. This will help to keep more water in our ecosystems and promote an overall healthier environment.
- Stop Using Pesticides
Synthetic pesticides are made from toxic chemicals that can pollute water sources, damage soil and poison local wildlife. They are also extremely energy-intensive to produce and should generally only be used as a last resort. Try to employ organic pest control methods like neem oil for insect management, or let your local wildlife do the pest control for you!
- Compost
Composting reduces landfill waste, minimises greenhouse gas emissions and conserves natural resources by recycling organic materials back into the soil. It is a free and easy way to improve your garden soil’s structure and fertility so that it can support a variety of organisms and wildlife. Plus, the heat released by decomposition makes compost heaps great little shelters for small creatures who are trying to keep warm!
- Recycle
Recycling is an important part of sustainable gardening as it reduces waste and conserves resources, ultimately leading to a more sustainable and healthy environment. Instead of buying new gardening supplies, plant pots and wildlife products, consider reusing and recycling items you already have laying around.
Washing-up bowls can become bird baths, and plastic containers can become planters – all you need to do is use your imagination!
- Grow Your Own Food
In today’s society, almost all food is packed in plastic – even fruit and vegetables now have huge carbon footprints. You can help to reduce your impact on the world around us by growing your own fruit, veg and other items from home. Even small steps like growing herbs on your windowsill can help to make a big difference for the environment!
The main takeaway tip for sustainable gardening is to work with nature, not against it. By following just a couple of these sustainable gardening tips, you can reduce your impact on the environment and help out your local wildlife when they need it most!